Why You Need an Influencer Marketing Case Study

Why you should be creating an Influencer Marketing Case Study

As a Nano Influencer people often think they’re “too small” to count. Typically they say things like, “I only have [insert any number under 10K] followers, is that enough to pitch?”. Yes, Susie Joe, that is enough … your community is enough. Assuming that community is authentic and you grew it organically, an Influencer Marketing Case Study is just what you need to help land that next pitch.

The saying is you have to spend money to make money and Influencer Marketing is no different. As smaller Influencers, the thoughts are too frequently on how to grow to the next level of followers to start making money rather than on your why and how to service your growing community as well as the brands you seek to work with. The best thing you can do as a Nano Influencer (even larger Influencers who haven’t started monetizing yet) is to create a list of brands you love and authentically work them into your content, creating conversations and visuals around them that are too good to pass by. Too good for your community members and too good for the brands themselves.

Yes, this means you need to spend money but guess what? You already love these brands, which means this is money you should/would be spending anyways. These are things you’d be promoting on the regular anyways because you already love them. This is why a brand would be interested in paying you … for your genuine love of their product that makes a mention from you real and not manufactured by the usual talent hired for a commercial or ad.

That engagement by your cultivated community is valuable, more so than seeing a number above 10k because your focus has been on pouring into and serving them. This means if you fall off the map for more than a few days, weeks, or even months for whatever reason, they’re still going to be there because they’re there for you. When you talk about things, they’re going to take action in the form of engagement and this is where your Influencer Marketing Case Study comes in.

Unfortunately, a lot of brands are still hung up on numbers. They want as many eyes on their brand as possible but those aren’t always the right eyes. What you lack in community numbers you more than make up in engagement and you can shift their focus by showing them an Influencer Marketing Case Study you’ve created based on your previous posts for their brand.

A media kit is great because it gives a snapshot of you and your brand but an Influencer Marketing Case Study gives the brand a snapshot of what you’ve done for them in the past. It shows them the numbers they really want to see, which are the analytics for content created specifically for them. Actions speak louder than words and that case study makes it significantly easier to discuss what you can do for them when you’re able to show what you have done for them … not just with the numbers but with the visuals.

I’m curious to know, how many Nano and Micro Influencers out there create Influencer Marketing Case Studies to present to brands they pitch? Let me know in the comments and as always, thanks for reading!


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